UPDATE!!!Are caravan park owners breaching consumer protection laws? (PART 2) - YouTube
Use the link above to watch the video.
A really significant movement is developing for our industry and you all have the ability to get involved! On Wednesday evening of last week Dean Dunham – ‘The Consumer Lawyer’ aired a live stream on YouTube titled: ARE CARAVAN PARK OWNERS BREACHING CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS? As previously reported, Dean was also instrumental in encouraging Park Dean Resorts to change their COVID-19 pitch fee refund policy.
See here: https://theconsumerlawyer.blog/2020/05/26/parkdean-pitch-fees-your-rights-during-the-lockdown/
You can view the latest video update here - this is the important breaking news!!
Following the item, there have been some important interactions between Dean and the BH&HPA and you can read more here:
A big shout out goes to Carole Keeble and her team who have worked on this and other CMA and consumer related matters recently – this could be one of the most significant developments for industry!
Check the page out here:
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Published on 22 February 2021 By Dan Ellacott